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Welcome to
Gerrards Cross & Chalfonts
Scottish Country Dance Club
We are 50!

Members and guests celebrated the 50th anniversary of the club at a tea dance on 19th January 2025. More photos here
Next Scottish Country Dancing:
Gerrards Cross: Tuesday 25th March 7.30-10.00pm
Please be ready to start at 7.30pm
Programme and Diagrams
Colston Hall,
GX Memorial Centre,
SL9 7AD - here's a Map
Little Chalfont
Thursday 27th March 2.00 - 4.00pm
Methodist Church Hall,
Chalfont Ave,
Little Chalfont, HP6 6RD - here's a Map

We are a friendly and informal club with dancers of all ages and abilities
Whether you'd like to learn Scottish Country Dancing or are an established dancer you can be sure of a warm welcome
We dance at Gerrards Cross on Tuesday evenings and Little Chalfont on Thursday afternoons
We also hold special events to which other clubs are invited and support the local community by giving demonstrations
Please click blue links to find out more or use the menu bar

Do get in touch: we'd love to see you soon!
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