What we danced at Gerrards Cross Summer 2024
23rd July 2024
- End of Year Celebration at Chorleywood.
​Shetland Shepherdess - a crossing mirror reel
Crossing Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
Morrison Measure (Reel)r Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.
Miss Gibson's Strathspey featured the Knot
Speirs Bruce ( The pole Star)- the one with Men's chain up and down rather than the more usual across.
​Portincaple Oak The Medley with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
Rutland Reel - 40 bars rather than the usual 32, featuring Ladies Chain and Mens Chain and reel of 3 on the sides
The Fife Hunt -the one featuring corners.
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Cranberry Tart -the one with man starting and lady following 2 bars behind, then tandem reel across and right shoulder reels on the side.Lots of setting.
The Orchards of Co. Armagh - a chase to get everyone onthe wrong side in upside-down order, then 3 half reels of 4 ( 2 up and down, 1 across).Then a cast to from 2s and 1s to create the progression.
Mrs MacPherson of Inveran featuring Inveran Reels.
16th July 2024
Its Spring Again- setting to coners and rurning them in pas de basque
Corn Rigs- features the quicktime poussette
Bell Rock Strathspey -features the 3 couple knot, corners pass and turn and set and rotate for 2 couples.
Cabbages and Kings -
Miss Eleanor The one which starts with Reflection Reels and ends with with the magical 3 couple Bourrell, when you are re-united with your Partner in a line up and down, and a circle. The 3 couple Bourrell only works if you start it NOT OPPOSITE your partner so there's a clever little sequence to get you in the right places between the reels and the Bourrell.
Reflection Reels
3 couple Bourrell
Dancing Master features 96 bars !
Baldovan Reel - crown triangles, diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd corner to start with, then 1st corner
9th July 2024
The Auld Grey Cat- introducing/ reviewing mirror reels.
Spice It Up features Allemande for 3 couples and Set and Link for 2 couples
Gang the Same Gate (Strathspey)- set and link for 3
Cutty Sark - think sailors pulling ropes with the unusual Partner/Corner/Corner/Partner turns
Right Hands Across
Kissing Bridge The one with the Whoopsie turn!
Reels of 3 ( with 1s crossing to Opposite Side, not shown in video)
Muse Cottage - featuring the Promenade and half figures of 8
Half figures of 8 across
Craven Twelvesome - the square one with a man with 2 women on each side featuring reel of 3 and half Right Hands Across for the men.
2nd July 2024
The Fife Hunt -the one featuring corners.
Shetland Shepherdess - a crossing mirror reel
Crossing Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
The Orchards of Co. Armagh - a chase to get everyone onthe wrong side in upside-down order, then 3 half reels of 4 ( 2 up and down, 1 across).Then a cast to from 2s and 1s to create the progression.
Cranberry Tart -the one with man starting and lady following 2 bars behind, then tandem reel across and right shoulder reels on the side.Lots of setting.
25th June 2024
Maids of Currie figures of 8 on side, turn corner/partner/corner/partner
Speirs Bruce ( The pole Star)- the one with Men's chain up and down rather than the more usual across.
Bonnie Gallowa'- the one with the rondel, and the interesting progression by diagonals at the end
Chequered Court- unusual turn/twirl from 1st to 4th corner for Corners Pass and Turn. Also double triangles and reels of 3 across
Rutland Reel - 40 bars rather than the usual 32, featuring Ladies Chain and Mens Chain and reel of 3 on the sides
18th June 2024
Welcome to the Stagger Inn Round the Room practicing key formations to get us started.
Right Hands Across
A Fulwood Favourite Reels of 3 on opposite side, half figures of 8 at each end​
Anne Mc Arthur features Set and Link for 2 couples
Dancing Master features 96 bars !
Sleepy Maggie - not so sleepy!
Ravens Dance (jig)- with double figures of 8, crossing mirror reels and alternating tandem reels across.
11th June 2024
The Lady Wynd - Featuring figures of 8 on the side, promenade and teapots
Salute to Summer Danced from both ends, Reels across with dancing couple in promenade hold
The Orchards of Co. Armagh - a chase to get everyone onthe wrong side in upside-down order, then 3 half reels of 4 ( 2 up and down, 1 across).Then a cast to from 2s and 1s to create the progression.
Fulwood Favourite Reels of 3 on opposite side, half figures of 8 at each end​
Shetland Shepherdess - a crossing mirror reel
Crossing Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
Chequered Court- unusual turn/twirl from 1st to 4th corner for Corners Pass and Turn. Also double triangles and reels of 3 across
Flower o' the Quern danced from both ends , lots of half figures of 8, crossing left hand on the side and a reel of 4.
Montgomeries' Rant - reels of 3 across and up and down
4th June 2024
Maxwell's Rant - Mirror Reels with first couple crossing onto opposite sides, followed by a second reel with the 1s crossing back to their own side
Findlay's Jig features 3 couple Allemande
Miss Gibson's Strathspey featured the Knot
Jennifers Jig with double figures of 8 and inveran reels
Reel of the 51st - set and turn corners, balance in line
Trip to Timber Ridge the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !
Lammermuir Hills featuring the poussette and the Knot
Chequered Court- unusual turn/twirl from 1st to 4th corner for Corners Pass and Turn. Also double triangles and reels of 3 across
28th May 2024
Loch Ness Monster - Warmup Dance
Granville Market - Featuring Right and Left Hands Across, Half figure of 8 and turning corners
A Jig for Mrs Dunn - Featuring Half figure of 8 and promenade
Miss Milligan's Strathspey - Featuring reflection reels and the Knot.
Knot (2 couples)
Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan - Featuring mirror reels from the middle of the set, with 1s crossing
Bohemian Reflections This one features a ladies chain.
Speirs Bruce ( The pole Star)- the one with Men's chain up and down rather than the more usual across.
The Swan and the Tay The one with figures of 8 on the side, another crossing mirror reel and Corners Pass & turn
Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
Rutland Reel - 40 bars rather than the usual 32, featuring Ladies Chain and Mens Chain and reel of 3 on the sides
21st May 2024
Fairy Ring - Warmup Dance
Yan Tan Tethera (Jig) the one withthe corner chain and reels of 3 on the side
Spring Fling( Reel). 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat!
Cuillins of Skye -the one with the odd reel.
Anniversary Reel no difficult formations but lots of different bits to remember
Reels of 4 across
Cranberry Tart -the one with man starting and lady following 2 bars behind, then tandem reel across and right shoulder reels on the side.Lots of setting.
Clootie Dumpling -square medley
Staircase in Styria - 4 sets of teapots for 1s and 3s then shades of Miss johnstone.The crib says no stepping up or down until bar 27.
Singing Sands ​the one with the tourbillon. and diagonal rights and lefts
Toast to The Mousies - teapots, arches and a left shoulder reel across the dance .
14th May 2024
A Scottish Jaunt (Jig)
Two to One (Jig)
Three Feisty Women (Reel)
Barbara's Strathspey -Features half figure of 8 and then the wonderful 3 couple bourrell when you are re-united with your Partner in a line up and down. The 3 couple Bourrel only works if you start it NOT OPPOSITE your partner so there's a clever little sequence to get you in the right places to start
3 couple Bourrel
Inchmickery (Jig)- the one with 5 couples, that starts and ends with a circle, with teapots and turning distant corners
Spring Fling( Reel). 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat!
Invarary,( Strathspey) features double Figure of 8 and rather awkward turn into 2 couple allemande
Equilibrium (Jig), features reel of 3 on the side and a Figure of 8 Grand Chain
Figures of 8 Grand Chain - see dance video
7th May 2024
Come What May (Jig)
Fairy Dance (Reel) the one with awkward circles at the beginning and then turning corners two hands in pas de basque
Ravens Dance (jig)- with double figures of 8, crossing mirror reels and alternating tandem reels across.
The Road to McGregor (Strathspey)- the one with the mirror reels of 4!
Roselath Cross A jig featuring mirror reels, Crown Triangles and reel of three across
Three Feisty Women (Reel)
Autumn in Appin( Strathspey)- the one that starts as a longways set, then turns into a square then back again.
Glastonbury Tor (Reel) which we did as a 7 couple set
30th April 2024
Clockwork Orange
Yan Tan Tethera (Jig) the one withthe corner chain and reels of 3 on the side
Provost Wynd (Reel) - featuring right shoulder reels of 3 on the side and , Right Hands across.
Right Hands Across
Gang the Same Gate (Strathspey)- set and link for 3
Domino 5 - featuring teapots and diagonal reels of 3
Kamo Carousel Diagonal Rights & Lefts, and Set and Rotate for 3 couples.
Set and Rotate for 3 couples - no video
Findlater Castle - featuring left shoulder reels of 3 on the side and Set and link for 3
Right Hands Across
23rd April 2024
Catch Me if You Can
Highland Lass
Linnea's Strathspey with Hello-Goodbye Setting, and the Chaperoned Chain Progression.
Compleat Gardener with Set and Rotate for 2couple and Corners pass and Turn..
The Auld Grey Cat-
Portincaple Oak The Medley with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
Midsummer Common - features Set Advancing to corners into lines across and ends with the diamond /all round poussette
DiamondPoussette (or All-round poussette)
Countess of Dunmore -
Neil M Grant features the Spoke and half diagonal reels of 4..
16th April 2024
​Loon Mountain Reel
Golden Sum of Early Spring
looking for links
Orpington Caledonians A reel featuring ladies chain and right hands across , and ending with left shoulder reels of 3 on the side .
Ladies' Chain
Right Hands Across
Something in the Air
Features the Rose Progression - tricky -
Aird of Coigach
Features the arches - also tricky
Mary Yarker's Stratthspey
lfeaturing 3 couple Knot
Portincaple Oak The Medley with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
Ecclefechan Feline- A useful reminder of mirror reels, together with figures of 8 on the side and teapots.
9th April 2024
Something in the Air
Features the Rose Progression - tricky - needs practice