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What we danced at Little Chalfont  Summer 2023

13th July 2023 


Tap the Barrel - a lot of quick changing places , and then the allemande.


Best Set in the Hall -The Pantomime dance: look behind you! .


Red Squirrel - the one focussing on Mirror Reels


Australian Ladies A quick dance with the dancing couple crossing and casting while the 2s and 3s set and cross.  


Broadway the tricky one with Set and Link for 3 couples and half diagonal Rights & Leftsl


6th July 2023 

Granville Market  - Featuring Right and Left Hands Across, Half figure of 8 and turning corners


Australian Ladies A quick dance with the dancing couple crossing and casting while the 2s and 3s set and cross.  


Paisley Weavers - The one with the double chord so the 2s can start on the opposite side, then featuring Grand Chain, Ladies'Chain and Half Rights & Lefts


Miss Johnstone of Ardrossan - Featuring mirror reels from the middle of the set, with 1s crossing 


Broadway the tricky one with Set and Link for 3 couples and half diagonal Rights & Leftsl


OXO Reel   A bit of light relief to finish : Circle  at top and bottom and  right hands across  in the middle!  A lot of slip-stepping up and down the very long set. 




29th June 2023 ( with Rose)

Gaelforce Wind  - mens chain, set and link


Midsummer Common -poussette


Toast to the Mousies - arches and reel

22nd June 2023 ( with Rose)


Miss Welsh'sReel  . 


Best Set in the Hall -The Pantomime dance: look behind you! .


Cherry Bank Gardens - Petronella in tandem, set and link, Grand Chain.

15th June 2023

Johnnie's Jig  . A round the room dance to start us off, featuring full figures of 8. 


Laird of Miltons Daughter- featuring the Corner Chain


Linnea's Strathspey  another go at this one with Hello-Goodbye Setting, and the distinctive feature  of  the Chaperoned Chain Progression.Huge improvement from last week everyone!


Kendall's Hornpipe - Featuring Rights and Lefts and the Ladies Chain.


MacDonald of the Isles - featuring diagonal reels of 4,the snowball chain, half Rights & lwfts and half Figures of 8.


Mrs MacPherson of Inveran featuring  Inveran Reels.

8tht June 2023

Highland Welcome  . A round the room dance to start us off. 

Ramadance - the tricky one starting with inveran reels and ending with two half reels: first one left shoulder across, and then right shoulder up and down. Corners turned and twirled while dancing couple danced round them.  The Inveran reels were the easy bit!  


Linnea's Strathspey  another one with Hello-Goodbye Setting, but the distinctive feature  is  the Chaperoned Chain Progression.


Shiftin' Bobbins. Teapots going down the set and then with the other hand coming back up.


Craven Twelvesome    - the square one with a man with 2 women on each side features reel of 3 and half Right Hands Across for the men, ending with a large circle( 


1st June 2023

Mrs Stewart's Jig  - featuring the Grand Chain and a Ladies Chain

Mrs MacPherson of Inveran featuring  Inveran Reels.


Bon Viveur- the medley, introducing Schiehallion Reels.


The Sailor -featuring double triangle position, reels of 3 across, and Rights and Lefts


Montparnasse - the slow, elegant one featuring half Left Hands Across, reels of 4 and diamond poussettes


Trip to Timber Ridge  the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !

30th May 2023 - with GX

London Celebration  - round the room, featuring  a small circle, Right Hands Across and do -si Dos  

Findlay's Jig â€‹the one with 3 couple allemande and casting from bottom back to top for 1s and 2s..


Morrison Measure  Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.


Friendships simple strathspey of casting, circles and half right or left hands across, BUT everyone is involved each time through so its essential to register which couple you are in the set each time.   


Spring Fling. 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat! 


Berwick Johnnie - Some useful practice with 1/2 Right Hands Across, the Allemande for 2 couples and turning corner,partner,corner,partner



The Swan and the Tay The one with figures of 8 on the side,  mirror reels , with dancing couple crossing and Corners Pass & turn 


Kissing Bridge   The one with the Whoopsie turn! 


Trip to Timber Ridge  the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !



5th May 2023

Morrison Measure  Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.


Spring Fling. 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat! 


Montparnasse - the slow, elegant one featuring half Left Hands Across, reels of 4 and diamond poussettes


Trip to Timber Ridge  the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !


The Swan and the Tay The one with figures of 8 on the side,  mirror reels , with dancing couple crossing and Corners Pass & turn 


Findlay's Jig â€‹the one we did as a 7 couple set, with 3 couple allemande and casting from bottom back to top for 1s and 2s..



18th May 2023


Flowers of Dunbeg -Right Hands Across, Left Hands back, Advance & Retire and first couple weaving down the middle.


Tribute to the Borders The one with a half reel for the dancing couple in promenade hold, first on the Men's side , then half on the Ladies' side, setting to all 4 corners and the 3 couple allemande.


Gramachie - the slow one where we set to first and second corners and turn with both hands


Black Mountain Reel - the 5 couple set !


City of Belfast  - Reel of 4 and the Espagnole : oh so elegant! 


...and ending with Flowers of Dunbeg again! 



11th May 2023


Come Under My Plaidie​ - round the room with the ladies chain

Morrison Measure  Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.


Rutland Reel  Right  shoulder reels and Lades and Men's Chain.


Ramadance - the tricky one starting with inveran reels and ending with two half reels: first one left shoulder across, and then right shoulder up and down. Corners turned and twirled while dancing couple danced round them.  The Inveran reels were the easy bit!  


OXO Reel   A bit of light relief to finish : Circle  at top and bottom and  right hands across  in the middle!  A lot of slip-stepping up and down the very long set. 




4th May 2023

Highland Welcome  . A round the room dance to start us off. 


Good Hearted Glasgow  - featuring teapots . We danced it first as 2 sets, one of 3 and 1 of 4, then triumphed with begging and borrowing for a 7 couple set.


Morrison Measure  Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.


Craven Twelvesome    - the square one with a man with 2 women on each side features reel of 3 and half Right Hands Across for the men, ending with a large circle( we did it with half left hands across this time!)


27th April 2023

Flowers of Dunbeg -Right Hands Across, Left Hands back, Advance & Retire and first couple weaving down the middle.


Morrison Measure  Right and Left shoulder reels and Right and Left Hands Across.


Spring Fling. 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat! 


Montparnasse - the slow, elegant one featuring half Left Hands Across, reels of 4 and diamond poussettes

Mrs MacPherson of Inveran introducing Inveran Reels.


Ramadance - the tricky one starting with inveran reels and ending with two half reels: first one left shoulder across, and then right shoulder up and down. Corners turned and twirled while dancing couple danced round them.  The Inveran reels were the easy bit!  

20th April 2023

Highland Welcome  . A round the room dance to start us off. 


Annan Reel-  . Featured those tricky diagonal rights and lefts with 1st and 4th corners and ending with the Allemande . Would have been easier if Suzanne had not been dancing with a ghost.


Spring Fling. 40 bars rather than usual 32 for each repeat! 

The Swan and the Tay The one with figures of 8 on the side,  mirror reels , with dancing couple crossing and Corners Pass & turn 


Mrs MacPherson of Inveran introducing Inveran Reels.




Inchmickery - the one with 5 couples, that starts and ends with a circle, with teapots and turning distant corners




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